fear agent — Blog — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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Filtering by Tag: fear agent




Today's card is HEATH HUSTON

Recent and upcoming FEAR AGENT announcements have me pining to revisit our beautiful baby boy.

I've got a pile of Sketch Cards done up, and every day at 7PM EST (for a while), I will post one for $75.

When they're gone, they're gone, so get 'em while the gettin's good!

You can find the original for this piece over in my STORE.

Midwest Signing Tour 2016


Join Colonel Tony Moore on his Midwest Signing Tour! He'll be hitting 10 cities, with a variety of merchandise and art prints, including a signed and numbered limited edition silkscreen tour poster (only 10 available per shop!), Walking Dead #150 cover prints, and a raffle to win a super-rare painted Sketch Variant Walking Dead #1 Artist Proof Edition (only 1 per shop!). Tony will also be sketching, signing books, kissing hands, and shaking babies.

1/13 - Cincinnati, OH - Up Up and Away (Blue Ash)
2/01 - Pittsburgh, PA - New Dimension Comics
2/02 - Columbus, OH - The Laughing Ogre
2/03 - Lexington, KY - Collectibles, Etc
2/04 - Louisville, KY - The Destination
2/06 - Chicago, IL - Challengers Comics
2/08 - Oshkosh, WI - House of Heroes
2/10 - Chicago, IL - Chicago Comics
2/11 - Indianapolis, IN - Downtown Comics
2/12 - Muncie, IN - Aw Yeah! Comics

Visit the EVENTS page for more information on a stop near you, and tell your friends!

Cincy ComiCon, Assemble!


As you all probably know, I am one of the owners and directors of Cincy Comicon. We've got an amazing lineup of guests this year, from Rick Remender to Bill Willingham and Chris Roberson, Eric Powell, Johnny Ryan, Frank Kozik, Evan Dorkin, Cameron Stewart, and Darick Robertson, just to name a few. Pound for pound, the most concentrated room of creator talent you'll find at just about any convention, and at a convention that celebrates comics and creators first.

If you're a fan of comic books & the fine folks who create them, CincyComiCon is the convention for you, guaranteed.

FEAR AGENT hits Comixology!


Lock & load! FEAR AGENT rides again!

It's been a long time in the works, but Rick remender and I are thrilled to announce that our baby, FEAR AGENT, is finally available for digital reading through Comixology!

You can also buy the meat-world editions of the paperbacks and hardcover collections here in the STORE. I also have ART PRINTS available.