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My name is Tony Moore. I'm a small-town guy from Kentucky, raised by a pack of wild televisions. I've been a fan of comics since before I could read, and have seldom in my life dreamed of becoming anything other than a cartoonist.

I've been in the business since 1999, when I started work on my maiden voyage, Battle Pope. Since then, I've lent my hand to books such as Masters of the Universe, Brit, the Eisner Award-nominated series The Walking Dead, and my creator-owned books Fear Agent and The Exterminators.  Over the years, I have had the pleasure of getting to put my stamp on some wild runs on Marvel’s Ghost Rider, Punisher, Venom and Deadpool.

In recent years, I have had the phenomenal pleasure of getting to work with amazing musicians such as Ryan Bingham, John R Miller, JP Harris, The Winetree, Laid Back Country Picker, and Tyler Childers, providing poster art and album covers. I‘ve even got to branch out, directing music videos for Tyler’s Country Squire, and Laid Back’s Bela Lugosi’s Dead.

Thanks for coming along to check out my stuff. 
I hope you enjoy the ride.