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The con in Chicago is done, and big thanks to everyone who turned out.
I was truly overwhelmed by the massive amount of fans who flocked to the Image table for the signing.

much love all around, which is why Chicago always rocks so hard.

...also thanks to Big Money B Clay Moore for unknowingly allowing me to steal his bandwidth on the sweet jpg there.


Jesus, it's been a long long time.
As you can see, the progress on my website has been halted and reversed. For now, i'm just running this blog as my site, so as to have SOMETHING going on here.

San Diego totally kicked my ass. it was a wonderful show. A big thank you to everyone who showed up and made it such a mind-boggling success, and mild apologies to all the suckers who paid money for my original pages.

Chicago is coming up, and i'll be there, too, holed up with Kirkman over in the Image section. So swing by and say hey.


Wow. Someone wasted no time selling me out to Rich Johnston over at Lying in the Gutters on Comic Book Resources. Oh well, i guess it's all good publicity for the book, so i can't complain.

#4 just came out as well, so make sure to pick that shit up and let Robert and me know what you think.

Also, sorry I haven't updated this thing at all. Hopefully i'll get something functional to show some actual work on here soon. Don't hold your breath, though.

Lastly, make sure to keep an eye out for MC Hawking's CD, entitled A Brief History of Rhyme, sporting a pimptacular cover by yours truly, with colors by the indominable Val Staples. Check back either here or at Hawking's crib for more news on that release.


i just took the geek test.

i don't need a test to tell me i'm a geek, but i gotta admit, i had no clue i was this pathetic/awesome.
46.35108% - Super Geek

i gotta work out and eat right, and try to raise my score at least 3.64892 points, post haste.


God dammit.
last minute financial issues have made certain i'm sitting here not enjoying myself, while the wonderful San Diego ComiCon is underway. To everyone who went: i hate you all, you miserable bastards. Oh well. at least i'll always have Chicago to look forward to.

In sad news, Cory lost the Manning Award... to someone whose book has yet to be published, even though these are awards for last year's publications.... what the fuck is that all about? Granted, i don't know the whole story, but my initial impression is that i've been to whorehouses* that smelled less fishy, and that i'll shoot my mouth off, regardless.

In cooler news, Kirkman is earning the reputation of the "hardest working man in comics" according to this recent Newsarama article. I'm lucky enough to be one of the artists tagging along on the tail of this comet, for our new book The Walking Dead, which starts in October. check out the article for more bitchin' pics from WD and others!

Also, BRIT hits shelves next Wednesday. So, mark your calendars, in case you have Alzheimer's or some debilitating head injury.

smell ya later, nerds.

*i've never been to a whorehouse.


WOOOO. i'm getting amped for San Diego. Luckily, the planets appear to be in alignment, so i'll be there in full effect (or at least in the majority of effect). I'll either be floating around squandering what little money i have or trying to bum a seat in Kieron Dwyer and Rick Remender's booth, or maybe off somewhere getting turned down for work by the editors of my favorite books.

My boy Cory Walker is up for the Russ Manning "Most Promising Newcomer" award this year. He's the genuine article, and his potential is sickening, so I'm rootin' for him.

Also, Beastman hit shelves this past Wednesday. If my mom hasn't already driven to your store and bought them all, go pick up a copy and tell us what you thought!


me me me me me me me
whatever. it's late. it's my website. fuck off. haha

Anyway, more ME news: My answers for Larry Dempsey's Inking Survey have recently been published. It's a fantastic website for anyone looking for some insight into inkers' tools and techniques, with contributions by a lot of amazing famous inkers who make me look like the hack I am.

Also, it is very unlikely that i will be attending the San Diego ComiCon this year. There's is a faint glimmer of hope for it, so i'm not ruling it out completely, but the chances are indeed quite slim.


Check out my most recent interview and scope some brand new preview pages for June's BEASTMAN book from Image, by myself and Robert Kirkman, over at Comic Continuum! I also rant a little bit about Pope and Brit, and pine for the future.

Hell, while you're at it, check out my boy EJ's work on MER-MAN: Icons of Evil #2, as the series jumps to Crossgen, over at Newsarama. Those colors are absolutely jaw-dropping. Serious kudos to Tony Washington on that stuff.


AHOY! the solicitation info is up for the new book by Kirkman and me. Check out Newsarama for the skinny on BRIT, and 5 preview pages scientifically designed to blow your ass out. If you like what you see, pre-order your copy from your local retailer TODAY!