God dammit.
last minute financial issues have made certain i'm sitting here not enjoying myself, while the wonderful San Diego ComiCon is underway. To everyone who went: i hate you all, you miserable bastards. Oh well. at least i'll always have Chicago to look forward to.
In sad news, Cory lost the Manning Award... to someone whose book has yet to be published, even though these are awards for last year's publications.... what the fuck is that all about? Granted, i don't know the whole story, but my initial impression is that i've been to whorehouses* that smelled less fishy, and that i'll shoot my mouth off, regardless.
In cooler news, Kirkman is earning the reputation of the "hardest working man in comics" according to this recent Newsarama article. I'm lucky enough to be one of the artists tagging along on the tail of this comet, for our new book The Walking Dead, which starts in October. check out the article for more bitchin' pics from WD and others!
Also, BRIT hits shelves next Wednesday. So, mark your calendars, in case you have Alzheimer's or some debilitating head injury.
smell ya later, nerds.
*i've never been to a whorehouse.