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introducing The SkinBender


this hot leathery Japanese nightmare is a malicious new villain whom Jason Aaron and i introduce in Ghost Rider #35, and her name is The SkinBender. If you like the shenanigans we've been up to in the book so far, i think you'll really enjoy this one. it wraps up my run on Ghost Rider, and I couldn't be prouder of what we've done in these scant 3 issues.

for a larger view, visit the SKETCHBOOK GALLERY

also, you can already PRE-ORDER the upcoming paperback collection of Ghost Rider: Trials and Tribulations from!

The Highwayman redesign


Here's my redesign of the US-1 villain, The Highwayman, who will be making a glorious return in Ghost Rider #34 this April.

i'm pretty thrilled with the issue, and i think you guys will get a kick out of it, too!

Congratulations, America.


I'm thrilled to see the overwhelming voice of change ringing out across the nation. As an American citizen, I'm immensely proud to have taken part in this amazing and exciting historical moment. Here's to a truly united United States.

Congratulations, America.


I'm thrilled to see the overwhelming voice of change ringing out across the nation. As an American citizen, I'm immensely proud to have taken part in this amazing and exciting historical moment. Here's to a truly united United States.

Truck on, Jerry Reed.


One of my favorite singers and storytellers, Jerry Reed, passed away today, of complications from emphysema. He was 71.

it's been a bad year for my heroes.