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5 pages of new Fear Agent hotness


here's one of the 5 pages of pencils from the upcoming Fear Agent #1 (spoilers!) which i have uploaded to the Pencils for Inkers section of the Artists' Resources gallery.

CLICK HERE to check out the rest of the samples!

5 pages of new Fear Agent hotness


here's one of the 5 pages of pencils from the upcoming Fear Agent #1 (spoilers!) which i have uploaded to the Pencils for Inkers section of the Artists' Resources gallery.

CLICK HERE to check out the rest of the samples!

RipClaw Pilot Season #1 cover


So, Top cow is doing a new series of "pilots," bringing some new blood into some old familiar funnybook faces. Damn if I ever really thought i'd fall head over heels for RipClaw, but leave it to my boy Jason Aaron to hook me.

The cover's not 100% done, but here's the version that went out for solicits.

And there's a larger view in the gallery, if you're interested.

RipClaw Pilot Season #1 cover


So, Top cow is doing a new series of "pilots," bringing some new blood into some old familiar funnybook faces. Damn if I ever really thought i'd fall head over heels for RipClaw, but leave it to my boy Jason Aaron to hook me.

The cover's not 100% done, but here's the version that went out for solicits.

And there's a larger view in the gallery, if you're interested.

SuperPro sketch: the con season beast awakens


In the wake of KC's Planet ComiCon, hopefully i'll have a handful of good sketch scans show up in my mailbox, which i can share with you all. And as the convention season progresses, hopefully there will be lots to look at.

Here's the first one to get sent to me, the unforgettable NFL SuperPro!

big thanks to Jason for the scan.

SuperPro sketch: the con season beast awakens


In the wake of KC's Planet ComiCon, hopefully i'll have a handful of good sketch scans show up in my mailbox, which i can share with you all. And as the convention season progresses, hopefully there will be lots to look at.

Here's the first one to get sent to me, the unforgettable NFL SuperPro!

big thanks to Jason for the scan.

SuperPro sketch: the con season beast awakens


In the wake of KC's Planet ComiCon, hopefully i'll have a handful of good sketch scans show up in my mailbox, which i can share with you all. And as the convention season progresses, hopefully there will be lots to look at.

Here's the first one to get sent to me, the unforgettable NFL SuperPro!

big thanks to Jason for the scan.