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New York ComiCon signing schedule.


So here are the down-and-dirty details of where you can find me throughout the duration of the New York Comic Con 2008.

my booth will be Booth #1569, which will be right across from Neal Adams!

Also, i will be signing at the following times:
7-8PM: DC Comics/ Vertigo

11AM-Noon: Dark Horse Comics
4-5PM: with Claudio Sanchez @ Autograph Area Table #6

4-5PM: DC Comics/ Vertigo

otherwise, i'll likely be at my booth, #1569, doing commissions.
they'll be $100 each and I'll only be able to do a handful every day, so if you want in on one, get there early! But to keep it fair, i'll start the list fresh every day, so if you miss your chance one day, you could catch it the next.

See you there!

Help Wanted: New York Comic Con


Hey, gang. As most of you know, we'll be attending the New York Comic Con this year for the very first time. Kara and I are planning big, as it will be the biggest show for us this year.

So, here is where you come in. We are looking to hire one or possibly two workers to help us at the convention. The work is light and short (2-3 hours a day at most), plus you can earn some extra cash for the show! If you are interested, please fill out the questions below and email them to Kara at

1. Please tell us a little about yourself and why you want to work for us.

2. What are some of your favorite comics?

3. How long will you be at the show each day?

4. Have you ever been to a comic convention before, and if so, how many?

5. Have you ever worked at a comic convention before, and if so, for whom?

6. Please tell us anything else you think would qualify you for this position.


Database restoration in progress.


i apologize for the inconvenience, but in an attempt to get my databases working properly again to restore functionality to the gallery and some new unannounced features, i have disabled my messageboard for the next day or so.

Check back tomorrow!

*edit!* The messageboard is back up and running, but unfortunetaly the last week's worth of posts have been lost. again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

The Walking Dead #60 cover


the biggest question i always get is "when are you returning to the Walking Dead?" and since i've never had any plans to return, i've always said, "Never."

but like my mom always said, never say never, and here i am, returning to FULL art duty on The Walking Dead for a 6-issue fill-in arc, starting with #60, following my upcoming Fear Agent story.


Dark Horse's GIANT Fear Agent Contest!


Dark Horse Comics is holding an online contest where contestants have the chance to win all the Fear Agent graphic novels and original art by me, all signed by Rick Remender!

Simply click here for your chance to win.

And if you’re not one of our lucky winners, there’s still hope. Dark Horse is proud to present the entire first issue of Fear Agent Vol.3 online and for free! That’s right, 22 glorious pages available for your viewing pleasure. See the beginning of The Last Goodbye story-line by visiting Dark Horse's Fear Agent Vol.3 Preview.

Dark Horse's GIANT Fear Agent Contest!


Dark Horse Comics is holding an online contest where contestants have the chance to win all the Fear Agent graphic novels and original art by me, all signed by Rick Remender!

Simply click here for your chance to win.

And if you’re not one of our lucky winners, there’s still hope. Dark Horse is proud to present the entire first issue of Fear Agent Vol.3 online and for free! That’s right, 22 glorious pages available for your viewing pleasure. See the beginning of The Last Goodbye story-line by visiting Dark Horse's Fear Agent Vol.3 Preview.

Shirts sold out AGAIN! and other Store updates.


Thanks to all of you who have kept the orders coming on the zombie shirts. i can't believe i've already sold through another printing! So, for now, the order form in the STORE is offline. Not to worry, though, it'll be back soon, and i'll have a NEW T-shirt design coming along with it!

In the meantime, i've updated the STORE with some new Amazon links, including Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye, Crawlspace Vol.1: XXXombies, and The Walking Dead: Book 1 Deluxe Hardcover!

Also, forgive the GALLERY being down. My host is updating the server's platform and my databases are screwy again. Hopefully everything will be back to normal very soon.

Zombie Nerd


Here's a recent convention sketch!

And if you're interested, you can win this sketch in the HERO Initiative auction at Planet ComiCon April 5th & 6th!