Sketch of the Day! DEADPOOL
Today's Sketch of the Day is your pal and mine, your friendly neighborhood Merc with a Mouth, DEADPOOL!
This one's 8.5" x 9", markers on chipboard. He's waiting to come home with you. Just my STORE!
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Today's Sketch of the Day is your pal and mine, your friendly neighborhood Merc with a Mouth, DEADPOOL!
This one's 8.5" x 9", markers on chipboard. He's waiting to come home with you. Just my STORE!
Season's Beatings, Boils & Ghouls!
Today's Sketch of The Day features the host with the most, my personal hero, The Crypt Keeper.
this one's 8.5" x 11", Ink and marker on chipboard. The original is dying to be yours, over at the STORE.
Today's Sketch of the Day features TETSUO from Akira, with his big freaky biomech tumor arm. Hope you dig it.
As always, the original art is up in the STORE!
Today's Sketch of the Day features one of my favorite Marvel monsters, VENOM!
The original art is available now in my STORE.
This one's 6.25 x 10.25, marker on chipboard. The original is up in the STORE, waiting to go to a loving home.
Today' Sketch of the Day features everyone's favorite young lady, TINA BELCHER!
This beauty is for sale now over in the STORE.
A couple years back, my buddy Lance Curran approached me with an idea for this project he wanted to try through the brewery he was Kickstarting with his friend, combining two things we all love. COMICS and BEER. Fast forward, and here we are, on the day of its release! It was awesome working with Lance on this, and as always, an honor and a thrill to work with my pal Jason Aaron again. Here's the press release:
Chicago craft brewery, Arcade Brewery, announced that today it will release its first volume of 6-Pack Stories. Festus Rotgut: Zombie Cowboy is a western zombie comic by Jason Aaron and Tony Moore across six bottles of Black Wheat Ale. The beer was brewed after the story has been created…
“Since there are zombies, I immediately thought something dark,” said Tourre. “Driving a heard of cattle across the dusty landscape also made me immediately go to a dry wheat beer.”
Tourre says he used some specialty roasts to create marshmallow and caramel flavors. He dry hopped the beer too, which Tourre says gives it a spicy finish.
This is just the first… more to come. Festus Rotgut is a limited release and will be available in Chicago area bottle shops. See a map of locations at, or you can buy it online at West Lakeview Liquors, The Beer Temple, and Binny’s Beverage Depot.
Arcade Brewery will host tastings of Festus Rotgut on Wednesday at the following Chicago locations: Kimbark Beverage, Binnys Lincoln Park, Bottles & Cans, and West Lakeview Liquors.
...aaaAAAnd WE'RE BACK! The all new and improved has officially relaunched! Click around and check out the GALLERIES, freshly loaded with new work and some perennial favorites. And don't forget to check out the STORE, which carries Art Prints, Apparel, Signed Books, and loads more!
Lastly, i'll be putting up a DAILY SKETCH, which will go in the Store as well. Each day, you'll get a new picture to cram into your eyeholes and a shot to own it for yourself!
Speaking of which, here's today's sketch! It's Earl Tubb from SOUTHERN BASTARDS, created by my dear pals Jason Aaron and Jason Latour!
You'd better! i'm down to only 5 commission spots left for my appearance at the San Diego Comic Con!
If you're interested in acquiring one for yourself, please contact
...also, hey, there's a new sketch! It's been a while since i've updated this thing. But hopefully you're also checking out my Tumblr!
my mind is totally blown by this guy. he has blown my total mind.
I love this. As an artist who lives off his work, I hope one day I can make art purely for the sake of self fulfillment. (not that I don’t enjoy my work now, I do)
This is what you’d put in the White House? Keep that silly Magic Underwear horseshit out of my government, please.
The cat's out of the bag! I've thrown in with some of Cincinnati's finest minds to help launch a brand new comic book convention in our area. If you're interested in helping us get it off the ground, please check out our Kickstarter link:
you can also check out our official website at
Been a while since i've updated this thing, so i thought i'd toss up a couple new interviews that came out last week:
Here's one from BLEEDING COOL: Tony Moore- The Walking Dude
And here's one from THRASH LAB: What's Up With Tony Moore?
I hope you find them informative and enjoyable!
Here’s a new interview i did with that guys at THRASH LAB.
i had fun with it, so I hope it’s enjoyable to read!