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Sketch of the Day! SNAKE PLISSKEN


If you don't like Kurt Russell, you're no friend of mine. Today's sketch is SNAKE PLISSKEN, from John Carpenter's amazing Escape From New York.

My theme for last week was letting my daughter pick my subject matter. This week, however, i am letting YOU pick what i draw! Just log onto Facebook or Instagram, and leave your ideas in the comments of the sketch for each day! I'll choose one from each day to do for the next. If i don't pick yours one day, feel free to tell me the next day! i make no guarantees as to what i'll pick, but i do love to let my hair down with these, so feel free to think off the beaten path!

this piece is 8.5" x 9", Copic marker on chipboard.
The original art for this, of course, can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! HANNIBAL LECTER


Silence of the Lambs is one of those movies i can watch anytime, anywhere, no matter how recently i've seen it, and never get tired of it. Hannibal is a fantastic franchise character.

My theme for last week was letting my daughter pick my subject matter. This week, however, i am letting YOU pick what i draw! Just log onto Facebook or Instagram, and leave your ideas in the comments of the sketch for each day! I'll choose one from each day to do for the next. If i don't pick yours one day, feel free to tell me the next day! i make no guarantees as to what i'll pick, but i do love to let my hair down with these, so feel free to think off the beaten path!

this piece is 8.5" x 11", Copic marker on Strathmore Bristol. the original art can be found, of course, over in my STORE.


Sketch of the Day! JUDGE DREDD



Today's sketch features JUDGE DREDD. Man, what a great character.

My theme for last week was letting my daughter pick my subject matter. This week, however, i am letting YOU pick what i draw! Just log onto Facebook or Instagram, and leave your ideas in the comments of the sketch for each day! I'll choose one from each day to do for the next. If i don't pick yours one day, feel free to tell me the next day! i make no guarantees as to what i'll pick, but i do love to let my hair down with these, so feel free to think off the beaten path!

8.5" x 9", ink & markers on chipboard. You can find the original art for this piece over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! HEDWIG


And this week of having my daughter call the shots comes to a close with a picture of HEDWIG, Harry Potter's owl familiar. It was almost Gilderoy Lockhart, but i'm glad i got to do a cool snowy owl instead. I'm sure i'll end up doing more Potterverse characters very soon, because my kid loves it, they're fun to do, and it saves me form thinking to hard about what to do-- not to mention,  i'll be doing an Instagram Takeover for @HogwartsTattoo on March 20th!

8.5" x 9", ink and markers on chipboard. The original art for this piece is up over in my STORE.

Sketch of the Day! GODZILLA


You may have been thinking Harry Potter was a theme this week, but actually the theme is letting my daughter Emmylou call the shots. Today, she was somewhat torn between Godzilla and Godzuki, but we eventually landed on Godzilla.

As an artist, attempting to draw this monster after having read Arthur Adams feels hollow, like a fool's errand, but i did my best anyway, and had fun in the process.

This is piece is 8.5" x 9", ink & markers on chipboard. You can find the original art for it over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! KRANG


ShreeEEdderrrr! WheEere's my neEew BooOoddYyy?

I always loved Krang, or Kraang, or however it is the kids are spelling it these days. i wanted to draw his big weird robot body, but i wanted more to do a nice glistening close-up, so i only had room for his little tripod.

This guy's 8.5" x 9", markers on chipboard. As always, you can find the original over in the STORE, if you act fast!

Sketch of the Day! PEE-WEE HERMAN


Today's sketch is another one of those renegades who left his mark on my childhood, and whose creative scars i still carry today: PEE-WEE HERMAN. Also, i just had to draw that bitchin' helmet.

This one's 8.5" x 9", markers on chipboard. Hang this rebel in your playhouse today-- just hit the STORE!