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Exterminators #27 cover


just finished this cover for Exterminators #27, which incidentally will be a fill-in drawn by John Lucas. Maybe i'll get one of these to myself before too long.

i'm back and forth on some things here, but i can safely say that i painted the SHIT out of that cantaloupe!

**updated this guy after some more editorial notes came back. made me cover up my sweet sweet melon and now the entire idea seems hamfisted. i dunno. not my favorite cover.
Anyway, here it is. i hope you guys dig it.

Exterminators #27 cover


just finished this cover for Exterminators #27, which incidentally will be a fill-in drawn by John Lucas. Maybe i'll get one of these to myself before too long.

i'm back and forth on some things here, but i can safely say that i painted the SHIT out of that cantaloupe!

**updated this guy after some more editorial notes came back. made me cover up my sweet sweet melon and now the entire idea seems hamfisted. i dunno. not my favorite cover.
Anyway, here it is. i hope you guys dig it.

TWITTER: what am i doing?


so i signed up for Twitter the other day, which is a kinda cool semi-blog that i can jot down my life's tedium and what-have-you via text from my cellphone or AIM, etc, and also make news updates regarding book releases, signings, or other major events. People who want to follow it can receive these updates on their cellphones, in RSS aggregators, or just follow it on the web. Pretty neat!

So, i added a widget with the twitter feed to my BIO page, and you can also find my profile on

Dr Sketchy's: Gravity Plays Favorites


So, Dr Sketchy's tonight featured Gravity Plays Favorites, a pole-dancing acrobatic duo from St Louis. Really great models and performers. I'm glad i didn't miss it, and got some good life drawing out of it. here are a couple of the longer poses, and i'll try to get some of their really wild gesture poses from my sketchbook before too long.

if you see that they're performing near you sometime soon, do yourself a favor and go support 'em.

Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye TPB cover!


I just finished the cover for Fear Agent vol.3, and i'm pretty pleased with it. I don't speak in absolutes (usually), but i can say that this is among the manliest comics covers ever done. All i needed was to somehow work in him having sex with a hot chick, while riding a rodeo bull while carving a steak out of its side... and have the robots driving monster trucks... maybe i'll go back to the drawing board. ;)

Go to the gallery for a larger view

Also, anyone going to Dr Sketchy's here in KC tonight is in for some bomb-ass cookies. Kara's outdone herself.

Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye TPB cover!


I just finished the cover for Fear Agent vol.3, and i'm pretty pleased with it. I don't speak in absolutes (usually), but i can say that this is among the manliest comics covers ever done. All i needed was to somehow work in him having sex with a hot chick, while riding a rodeo bull while carving a steak out of its side... and have the robots driving monster trucks... maybe i'll go back to the drawing board. ;)

Go to the gallery for a larger view

Also, anyone going to Dr Sketchy's here in KC tonight is in for some bomb-ass cookies. Kara's outdone herself.

Dr Sketchy's: Lucky Lee


Here's a couple of good ones from the last Dr Sketchy's, featuring Lucky Lee.
Not completely sure, but i think the first was a 10 minute pose and the second was 20...

hope you guys dig 'em.

Hallowe'en pics


Kara went as Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and i went as Lobo.
good times.

the wife and me.


yours fraggin' truly.

me and the ever-lovin' Laurenn McCubbin:

Leatherface Commission, Fear Agent review


remember back a while ago when i took a small commissions list? well, i'm trying to get moving on them. Here's a Leatherface commissioned by Matthew Reed.

Also, the cats over at continue to gush love over Fear Agent, giving The Last Goodbye #4 their coveted Pick of the Week honor last week!

Lastly, sorry about the gallery and messageboard downtime recently. Toward the end of the month, we ran over the server's database limits again, and they reset it today it seems. Hopefully the host's server upgrades will alleviate this permanently.

Leatherface Commission, Fear Agent review


remember back a while ago when i took a small commissions list? well, i'm trying to get moving on them. Here's a Leatherface commissioned by Matthew Reed.

Also, the cats over at continue to gush love over Fear Agent, giving The Last Goodbye #4 their coveted Pick of the Week honor last week!

Lastly, sorry about the gallery and messageboard downtime recently. Toward the end of the month, we ran over the server's database limits again, and they reset it today it seems. Hopefully the host's server upgrades will alleviate this permanently.

Brian Posehn represents on The Sarah Silverman Program


in the newest episode of The Sarah Silverman Program (s2ep4: Cookie Party), Brian Posehn is sporting a handsome zombie t-shirt! Look for the scene in the diner where Brian attempts to talk politics and Sarah pretends to be the mayor!

Also, if you're not already watching that show regularly, there's something wrong with you.

big thanks to John Cottrell for the screencaps.

Zombie painting from Heroes Con '07


Finally got a photo of this guy! I painted this to help pull my weight, for Heroes Con's art auction. It appeared to go to a good home, but i had to cut the umbilical on this one so fast i never got a picture... that is, until just now when i saw they'd posted one over at the Heroes site!

Zombie painting from Heroes Con '07


Finally got a photo of this guy! I painted this to help pull my weight, for Heroes Con's art auction. It appeared to go to a good home, but i had to cut the umbilical on this one so fast i never got a picture... that is, until just now when i saw they'd posted one over at the Heroes site!

some work from Dr Sketchy's


So, my first Dr. Sketchy's was a blast. it was great to shake the rust off my life-drawin' muscles and do some studies. A lot of the quicker poses really flew by me, which hopefully i'll regain the hang of the more i'm back into it, but it definitely got me limber.

anyway, here are some of the 2-5 minute poses:


black prismacolor

black prismacolor

and this was a 20 or 30 minute one. Done on painted bristol with charcoal and white conte.