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Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School.


my friend Laurenn McCubbin heads up the local chapter of the shindig known as Dr. Sketchy's. It's basically a figure drawing session, only the models are burlesque dancers and there's a bar. Also, this time, Kara's setting up shop with food-- chili, and a variety of her renowned cupcakes! If you're in the area and like to draw wimmens and rock out with the cool kids, check it out!

i'm excited. this will be my first time to one of these! Click here to learn more on the official Myspace page.

Life Drawings*


some sketches from recently, since i don't keep art shared as often as i'd like.

*the first two are not from life.

a strip from my honeymoon


Waiting at the baggage claim at the airport in Hawaii, i am approached by a nice looking young lady, and the following unfolds:

ah, every rose has its thorn.

databases appear to be wrecked


i gotta give my hosting a call, but it appears everything run by a database on the site is f.u.b.a.r. right now, which involves the gallery and forum. All apologies to anyone who has tried to access these in the last couple of days. Hopefully they'll resolve them soon, because god only knows when the last time i did a database backup was.... yeesh!


Ghost Rider #18 cover!


my first Marvel work, and what a doozy of an assignment!
another childhood wish partially fulfilled! Hopefully this'll lead to more covers or maybe a stint on the book, eventually.

colors by Dave McCaig, with a larger view available in the Covers Gallery.

Gettin' hitched up.


Kara and I getting married tomorrow, so don't expect anything new on here for a couple of weeks.

Given my track record with updating content here, that shouldn't be too big a change.

Amazon links now in the STORE


So, i joined this Amazon Associates program to pimp the books, which allows me to link straight to their site, and it shows the current lowest price and new listing price for each book. Good for you, good for me!

go check out the STORE to browse the trade paperback list!

The ConSketch Cavalcade rolls on... with added benefits!


Here are a few gems from Chicago that i got in my email. Big thanks to Sean, Timothy, and Chad for the support and also for the scans!

a coiffured zombie:

Ghost Rider done for the CBLDF sketch-off auction:

and Heath fighting something tentacle-y:

and Rick liked Chad's FA sketch so much that we had John Rauch color the shit out of it and we're running it as a back cover for an upcoming issue!

See why you should send me scans? you never know, i might turn your small commission into a fancy published piece!

The ConSketch Cavalcade rolls on... with added benefits!


Here are a few gems from Chicago that i got in my email. Big thanks to Sean, Timothy, and Chad for the support and also for the scans!

a coiffured zombie:

Ghost Rider done for the CBLDF sketch-off auction:

and Heath fighting something tentacle-y:

and Rick liked Chad's FA sketch so much that we had John Rauch color the shit out of it and we're running it as a back cover for an upcoming issue!

See why you should send me scans? you never know, i might turn your small commission into a fancy published piece!