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Artists' Resources section updated... bigtime!


i've been quietly adding a load of new high-resolution content to the ARTISTS' RESOURCES section of the GALLERY for a while now. Be sure to check it out, because i've put up LOADS of new Inks For Colorists, as well as Pencils for Inkers, from damn near every project i've worked on.

CLICK HERE to check out what's currently available, and if there's something else you'd like to see here, let me know. I can't promise i'll be able to oblige, but it will definitely let me know what the crowd is interested in seeing!

Big Illustration Party Time!


i recently did an interview with Kevin Cross and Josh Kemble at their podcast, Big Illustration Party Time!

It's a different kind of beast than the casual listener might be used to, as it's mostly shop talk and gets pretty heavy on the technical bits. If this sounds up your alley, or you're just curious for more insight into my specific processes, give 'er a click!

Auld FANG Syne


Well, it's the end of the year, kiddies, and this is likely my last update of 2009.

So, i figure what better way to drive the last nail in the coffin of another year than with your pal and mine, the Crypt Keeper?

[Click here for a full-resolution view]

thanks for a great year of support. I'm very fortunate to have gotten to play with my friends and bring you stuff like Ghost Rider, Fear Agent, and Punisher, and i know none of it would be possible without the readers. I'm thankful you guys enjoy the kinda fun i'm trying to sling here. Here's to you and yours, and to an equally bombastic 2010!

Also, many thanks to my lovely wife, for yet another year of supporting the madness of a fully-gown man who sits in his pajamas all day drawing cowboys punching robots, and for going so far as to even see fit to bear my child. We've come a long way, but we've still got a lot of really fun looking road ahead of us. Me, you, and Emmylou.

...Mold Lang Syne? i dunno... couldn't settle on a crypt-worthy pun. Cheers, gang!

the one-stop Xmas shop for the geeks you love


The big day is creeping up on us, and you probably still don't have the perfect gift for that special nerd in your life. Well, i've come to lighten your burden! I've recently updated my STORE to include all these fine trade paperbacks which collect my work! Handsome additions to any bookshelf, all!

Punisher #11 preview art!


Anyone who's been wondering what the hell I've been doing and why I haven't updated this site in a dog's age now has their answer. It's with great joy I give you the first few pages of my first issue of Punisher #11: Franken-Castle!

Courtesy of

it's due on shelves Wednesday, Nov 18th!
if you're a skeptic, all i can say is, if you ever enjoyed what Rick and I do together, you'll surely dig what we've been laying down here.

Commisssions & Con Sketches


I just wanted to go on and put an announcement out front and center that i DO NOT take Commissions on a regular basis.
I only do sketches at Conventions and Signings, and i DO NOT take sketch requests for a show beforehand.

For a full rundown on how this process works, please read the new COMMISSIONS section at the top of the site.

If you are one of the few on my old short list of commissions, things are as they were when last we talked. I am slowly working my way through them all, and i appreciate your patience.

Thank you.

Commisssions & Con Sketches


I just wanted to go on and put an announcement out front and center that i DO NOT take Commissions on a regular basis.
I only do sketches at Conventions and Signings, and i DO NOT take sketch requests for a show beforehand.

For a full rundown on how this process works, please read the new COMMISSIONS section at the top of the site.

If you are one of the few on my old short list of commissions, things are as they were when last we talked. I am slowly working my way through them all, and i appreciate your patience.

Thank you.

Punisher #11: FrankenCastle solicits


My first issue of Punisher with long-time partner in crime, Rick Remender, is in solicitation now. If you've enjoyed what Rick and I have cooked up in the past, I guarantee you'll have fun with this. And just to quell the speculation, YES, it is exactly what it looks like... but much more awesome than what you're thinking. I wouldn't lead you wrong, would I?

In the belly of New York, skulking and forgotten creatures of the night uncover the remains of a man in a familiar outfit. Frank Castle is dead. What exactly IS Frankencastle? Long time collaborators Rick Remender and Tony Moore (GHOST RIDER, Fear Agent, The Walking Dead) are reunited for what will be the greatest struggle in the afterlife of the Punisher. Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster...
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99

for more info, go to

Yabba Dabba WHUT?!!


Recently, a group of paleontologists were in town for the North American Paleontological Convention at the University of Cincinnati, and decided to take a field trip to the Creation Museum just across the river, in Kentucky. My aunt went to cover it for AFP, and I had the doubly good fortune of living just a stone's throw away, so I tagged along to see what these guys were up to. It was an eyeful, to say the least. Gorgeous facilities with amazingly engaging displays and animatronics, and at least a few hundred cubic cubits of bad science and misinformation. One young lady stood, furious, and grumbled, "It's bullshit. Bullshit pretending to be science." Anyone who finds themselves in the Cincinnati area with a few bucks, hours, and brain cells to burn should check it out, and see what the scientific community is up against in terms of informing the public.

Hep meh, Jesus! Hep meh!

click here to read my aunt's article!
Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

Also, check it out on!

Photo Blast From The Past


My mom gave me this little gem yesterday.

tony moore

hard at work in the tobacco stripping room one winter, probably '82 or so. Always on the grind, baby.