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A Few New Interviews!


Here are a handful of interviews that have recently gone online. I've linked some in twitter, but here they all are in one convenient post, in case you missed anything! The Robots Pajama Party Podcast! Part 1 & Part 2

The Double-Naught 7 Digest! interview by Britt Kennerly, who also happens to be my aunt!

and lastly but not leastly, a nice interview with the always-charming Chris Arrant from!

Thanks for tuning in!

Official Facebook Fan Page Art Print Giveaway!


So i've launched my Official Facebook Fan Page, and to help promote it, i'm going to give away signed art prints to a few lucky fans! WIN THIS PRINT! ^Win this print!^

How? The contest is simple. Once you've joined the group, COME BACK HERE, and leave a comment that lets me know! Since Facebook forces old comments off the page, the comments on THIS BLOG POST will serve as your entry. I'll start with one print, and for every 300 new members by Friday (09/10/10), i'll give away another print! I'm at about 920 right now, so spread the word! Tell your friends! With how many are already on, the more people sign up, the more i give, and the BETTER your chances are!

Then, we'll choose a comment with a digital randomizer, and contact the winner!

My wife is in charge of this one, so you can rest assured you'll receive your prize in a timely manner ;)

**UPDATE!** Congratulations to Michael Ragosta on winning the art print giveaway! Thanks to everyone who participated and helped spread the word. Much love to you all.

Official Facebook Fan Page Art Print Giveaway!


So i've launched my Official Facebook Fan Page, and to help promote it, i'm going to give away signed art prints to a few lucky fans! WIN THIS PRINT! ^Win this print!^

How? The contest is simple. Once you've joined the group, COME BACK HERE, and leave a comment that lets me know! Since Facebook forces old comments off the page, the comments on THIS BLOG POST will serve as your entry. I'll start with one print, and for every 300 new members by Friday (09/10/10), i'll give away another print! I'm at about 920 right now, so spread the word! Tell your friends! With how many are already on, the more people sign up, the more i give, and the BETTER your chances are!

Then, we'll choose a comment with a digital randomizer, and contact the winner!

My wife is in charge of this one, so you can rest assured you'll receive your prize in a timely manner ;)

**UPDATE!** Congratulations to Michael Ragosta on winning the art print giveaway! Thanks to everyone who participated and helped spread the word. Much love to you all.

a couple of lovely FrankenCastle #19 reviews


FrankenCastle 19 cover by Simone Bianchi So, FrankenCastle #19 hit the shelves last week. Rick and I are immensely proud of it, and it thrills us that apparently some readers are enjoying the ride, as well.

From Benjamin Birdie's rave at

...when Rick Remender and Tony Moore work together to make comics about a reanimated Frank Castle doing pretty much anything, when you're finished and you put it down, there's really only one thing running through your head like a suspended Buick chassis rigged to slam you into a brick wall: "This is the best damn comic I have ever read."

And an excerpt from Chad Derdowski's review:

At this point, I’m just hooked – line and sinker. No matter what the age, all men have a 12-year-old boy lurking within their soul. Moore and Remender manage to extract that young spirit and distill its essence into 22 pages of violence, humor and gore. God bless them.

Have more reviews? please share 'em in the comments!

Walking Dead trailer from SDCC


*UPDATE!*AMC has released a new official clean cut of the Walking Dead trailer shown at San Diego ComicCon, as well as the premiere's release date!

From AMC's blog:

AMC has announced that its newest original series, The Walking Dead, will premiere on Halloween night, Sun., Oct. 31 at 10PM | 9C. The Sunday night series will debut with a 90-minute premiere episode. Subsequent episodes will be one-hour long presentations.

old post: i don't know how long it'll be online, but here's a fan's handycam of The Walking Dead trailer from the panel at SDCC. Enjoy!

here's a slightly larger and clearer one, but it has a lot of background noise.

Moved my newsfeed to FeedBurner


In the midst of all the changes caused by Blogger's cessation of FTP publishing, i've moved my newsfeed to a permanent external address, which is:

Current subscribers should redirect their aggregators/readers to that address. And if you're not subscribed, now's as good a time as any to be certain you're always up to date! This is an external feed service, so no matter what the future holds for my blog and its hosting, you'll always be able to find my newsfeed there!

Comics for Cures sketch cards!


the guys at Comics for Cures are doing a sketch card fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, so I drew a little inspiration from William Burroughs and Hunter S. Thompson, and I decided to do 'em up a little something special, with some pen & ink, some acrylic-filled squibs, and my bolt action .22. You can bid on these bullet-riddled zombie cards NOW on eBay!

and here's a video, so you can see all the action!

Click here for the same video mirrored on Youtube. For more info on these cards and the cause in general, go check out!