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Sketch of the Day! LOKI


Today's selection is the Asgardian god of mischief himself, LOKI!
i know everybody likes Tom Hiddleston, but let's be honest, the real star is that badass horned helmet.

8.5" x 9.75, inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! SCHLITZIE



The real-life inspiration for American Horror Story: Freakshow's Pepper, SCHLITZIE was a circus performer in the early 20th century, best known for his role in Todd Browning's cult classic, FREAKS. If you do not own a copy of this movie, you definitely should.

8.5" x 9.75, inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! REN & STIMPY


REN & STIMPY was one of the most influential cartoons of my generation. All our minds were warped by John K's heightened psychodrama and macro-lens detail shots. Here's my small tribute to their greatness.

9" x 8.5", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! URSULA


Today's choice was The Little Mermaid's URSULA. Admittedly, i mostly wanted to draw Flotsam and Jetsam, but i ended up having a blast on the whole thing. And so ends my week of Disney villains. Perhaps i will revisit this theme again someday, because it was pretty damn fun.

9" x 8.5", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! THE OLD HAG


This week i'm doing five Disney villains. Today's choice: THE OLD HAG.
I always enjoy drawing decrepit old things, and i really enjoyed myself on this interpretation of THE OLD HAG form of Snow White's Evil Queen.

9" x 8.5", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! MALEFICENT


This week, i'm doing five Disney villains.

Today's choice, MALEFICENT from Sleeping Beauty.
One of my personal favorites. It was really tempting to draw her as the dragon, but my daughter really wanted to see me draw her as the sorceress with some green smoke. And hey, there's always future days' sketches!

9" x 8.5", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! SCAR


This week, I'm doing five Disney villains.
Today's choice is SCAR from The Lion King. He was a scary son of a bitch, and i loved putting my spin on him. I don't get the call to draw animals very often, but i love doing it.

8.5" x 9", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! SAINT OF KILLERS


If they told stories about this son of a bitch in Sunday school, i probably wouldn't have stopped going to church! Today's sketch features the Saint of Killers, from Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's amazing PREACHER. 

8.5" x 9", inks (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

The original art for this piece can be found over in the STORE.