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Filtering by: convention

to Sep 11


  • Northern Kentucky Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

September 9-11, come to the Northern Kentucky Convention Center for CINCY COMICON 2016! Visit WWW.CINCYCOMICON.COM to view the guest list and buy your tickets today!

First and foremost, this convention is a celebration of comics, art, and the fine folks who create the popular culture we all love so well. No long lines and hefty autograph fees for washed-up wrestlers, or f-list "celebrities." Just writers, artists, and pure nerd love. We strive to bring in the hottest talent in the industry from the hottest books on the stands today, and balance that with a wide array of independent voices, and provide a nurturing stage for young creators as well.

I've made it no secret that I stand behind this show 100%, because I am a co-owner and co-director of the event. In a sea of celebrity autograph festivals masquerading as comic book conventions, we have made it our mission to have an event that celebrates comics and creators above all else, for creative community-driven event and family-friendly experience here in Cincinnati.

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to Sep 13


  • Northern Kentucky Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

September 12-13, come to the Northern Kentucky Convention Center for Cincy ComiCon 2015! Visit WWW.CINCYCOMICON.COM to view the guest list and buy your tickets today!

First and foremost, this convention is a celebration of comics, art, and the fine folks who create the popular culture we all love so well. No long lines and hefty autograph fees for washed-up wrestlers, or f-list "celebrities." Just writers, artists, and pure nerd love. We strive to bring in the hottest talent in the industry from the hottest books on the stands today, and balance that with a wide array of independent voices, and provide a nurturing stage for young creators as well.

I've made it no secret that I stand behind this show 100%, because I am a co-owner and co-director of the event. In a sea of celebrity autograph festivals masquerading as comic book conventions, we have made it our mission to have an event that celebrates comics and creators above all else, for creative community-driven event and family-friendly experience here in Cincinnati.

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to Jun 28

Indy PopCon 2015

  • indiana convention center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I'm thrilled to announce i'll be attending INDY POPCON in Indianapolis, Indiana, this June 26-28! I'll have all kinds of merch with me, including original art, some of which has never been available before. Also, i'll be doing sketch commissions, which you can arrange at the show, first come, first served.

For more info, hit

See you there!

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to Apr 2


  • Tamaya Resort New Mexico (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I'm honored and humbled to announce that i will be teaching at the 2015 Paradise Artists' Retreat. The event is a gathering of artists who come together to hone their craft among the likeminded & dedicated.

I'll be teaching a seminar on Visual Storytelling in a single image, exploring classic illustrators and current creators, and explaining my take on expressing conceptually rich & dynamic story in one static visual image. I will also be heading up a figure drawing session.

My wife, Kara, will be teaching a workshop on Business Management for Artists which will include general business management tips, getting the most out of the internet and social media, and exhibiting at conventions. This is a great seminar for artists who have focused on their work, but may struggle with the other aspects of nurturing their personal brand.

The event takes place at Tamaya Resort New Mexico: 1300 Tuyana Trail; Santa Ana Pueblo New Mexico, 87004

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