Explorer Tattoo Conference
St Louis, MO
Presenting my new seminar, DYNAMICS.
Learn more about the event at
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St Louis, MO
Presenting my new seminar, DYNAMICS.
Learn more about the event at
I'll be presenting my seminar, One Shot: Visual Storytelling In A Single Image
3 nonstop days of consecutive seminars by some of the most prominent artists in the tattoo industry... and me.
I'm honored and humbled to announce that i will be teaching at the 2015 Paradise Artists' Retreat. The event is a gathering of artists who come together to hone their craft among the likeminded & dedicated.
I'll be teaching a seminar on Visual Storytelling in a single image, exploring classic illustrators and current creators, and explaining my take on expressing conceptually rich & dynamic story in one static visual image. I will also be heading up a figure drawing session.
My wife, Kara, will be teaching a workshop on Business Management for Artists which will include general business management tips, getting the most out of the internet and social media, and exhibiting at conventions. This is a great seminar for artists who have focused on their work, but may struggle with the other aspects of nurturing their personal brand.
The event takes place at Tamaya Resort New Mexico: 1300 Tuyana Trail; Santa Ana Pueblo New Mexico, 87004