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rest in peace, Mike.


I won't purport to have been incredibly close to Mike Wieringo, but I talked to him every now and then in email and along the convention circuit, and had an immense amount of respect for him long before i ever met him. He was an incredibly warm and friendly person, and his enthusiasm was infectious, in person and on the printed page.

I don't mean to use Mike's passing as any kind of soapbox here, so forgive me if this seems in bad taste, but the one tragic thing that always stuck out to me about Mike was that he soemtimes seemed unfulfilled by the projects he was on, and seemed to always long to return to creator-owned work. He told me once that he really respected guys who toughed it out in the creator-owned market, and those words still really help give me the strength to soldier on in the lean times. I've often said that life is too short to walk around in other people's footsteps and the sudden loss of such an immense talent has really shaken me, really driving home the fact that none of us know how much time we have in this world. i truly believe that life is too short to not follow your dreams, and especially as an artist, be constantly striving for creative fulfillment and seeking what makes you truly happy.

the above image is a sketch Mike did of Fear Agent's Heath Huston. i will always be touched and honored that he saw something in our creation that sparked him to pick up a pencil for a quick one amidst the heaping workload he always had.

so, to an amazing cartoonist and an even better person, i wish Mike Wieringo godspeed. We'll all miss you down here.

Gearing up for Wizard World Chicago!


*Updated with event schedule!*

That time of year again, kids!
i'll be at table 5504. we'll be along the back wall of Artists' Alley, between the place you go to fill up and the place you go to dump out.

here's the map showing myself, and my immediate surrounding compatriots:

for more info on the Chicago show, CLICK HERE.

as far as i can tell, my Chicago '07 event schedule goes a little something like this:

Friday 5PM:
Vertigo panel

Saturday 6:30 PM:
CBLDF sketchoff

Sunday 1PM:
Signing at Top Cow booth.

Temporary Store update


i added links to a bunch of my trade paperbacks as they're found on to the STORE section of the site.

I'm looking at distribution options to launch a proper online store, which will hopefully soon reappear with shirts, prints, books, and a variety of other swag. Don't hold your breath, but i'll be sure to update as soon as i get it locked down right.

Continuing the ConSketch Cavalcade!


had a couple oldies show up in my mailbox recently, which i was compelled to share:

Solomon Grundy:

ass-whooped Joker:

and some more from Heroes Con came trickling in, as well!


and Desolation Jones:

and as always you can check out bigger views of these and others in the Con Sketch Gallery! Thanks for the scans, everybody, and keep 'em coming!

Continuing the ConSketch Cavalcade!


had a couple oldies show up in my mailbox recently, which i was compelled to share:

Solomon Grundy:

ass-whooped Joker:

and some more from Heroes Con came trickling in, as well!


and Desolation Jones:

and as always you can check out bigger views of these and others in the Con Sketch Gallery! Thanks for the scans, everybody, and keep 'em coming!

XXXombies finds a place to rest its bones. Also, the making of Fear Agent!


here's the cover to XXXombies, which will be appearing as the first arc of the CrawlSpace horror anthology coming this October from Image.


lineart by Kieron Dwyer, and colors by yours truly. For a bigger view, hit the gallery.

And to learn a little more about the book, check out the XXXombies press release on Newsarama.

...AAAnd in Fear Agent news, check out this neat MAKING OF A COMIC feature that Dark Horse put online. You can see 6 pages develop from script to pencils to inks to colors to finished lettered pages. It's pretty neat!

XXXombies finds a place to rest its bones. Also, the making of Fear Agent!


here's the cover to XXXombies, which will be appearing as the first arc of the CrawlSpace horror anthology coming this October from Image.

lineart by Kieron Dwyer, and colors by yours truly. For a bigger view, hit the gallery.

And to learn a little more about the book, check out the XXXombies press release on Newsarama.

...AAAnd in Fear Agent news, check out this neat MAKING OF A COMIC feature that Dark Horse put online. You can see 6 pages develop from script to pencils to inks to colors to finished lettered pages. It's pretty neat!

a couple more Con Sketches


Here's a couple more sketches from Heroes.

Rick Grimes:


Rick getting eaten by Lori:


i know. i beefed on the severed hand. sue me.

Also, thanks to everyone who sprang into action on those commissions. I posted that I had 5 spots available, and by morning the next day they were all filled. Like i've said before, i'll try to turn those out ASAP, and if possible open up another 5 in the very near future. Thanks again, everyone!

a couple more Con Sketches


Here's a couple more sketches from Heroes.

Rick Grimes:

Rick getting eaten by Lori:

i know. i beefed on the severed hand. sue me.

Also, thanks to everyone who sprang into action on those commissions. I posted that I had 5 spots available, and by morning the next day they were all filled. Like i've said before, i'll try to turn those out ASAP, and if possible open up another 5 in the very near future. Thanks again, everyone!

a couple more Con Sketches


Here's a couple more sketches from Heroes.

Rick Grimes:

Rick getting eaten by Lori:

i know. i beefed on the severed hand. sue me.

Also, thanks to everyone who sprang into action on those commissions. I posted that I had 5 spots available, and by morning the next day they were all filled. Like i've said before, i'll try to turn those out ASAP, and if possible open up another 5 in the very near future. Thanks again, everyone!

Now taking a small list of commissions.


As of today (06/21/07), i am taking on a limited number of commissions to help fray the cost of my impending nuptials.

These will be 11x17 pieces, pen & ink on bristol board, and will cost $200 US.

These are available worldwide, so anyone can get them, however non-US customers will have to pay their own shipping, which Kara can calculate specifically for you. Shipping for US customers is included in the price of the commission.

I will be working these when I can while working on my regular books, so they will have to be done completely at my convenience, with no specific guaranteed date, though i assure you i will do my best to turn them around as quickly as possible.

For the time being, i will only be taking on 5 pieces, though if i am able to complete the list quickly and easily, i will likely take on another small list in the near future. Also, these are not for commercial use. So please, in the spirit of fairness, no cover requests, etc, with intent to be printed. I am, however, more than happy to honor all requests to draw any character you wish, even if it is your own creation. I just would prefer to not undercut my own business on cover rates, which I hope you all can understand.

if you're interested, email Kara at


Now taking a small list of commissions.


As of today (06/21/07), i am taking on a limited number of commissions to help fray the cost of my impending nuptials.

These will be 11x17 pieces, pen & ink on bristol board, and will cost $200 US.

These are available worldwide, so anyone can get them, however non-US customers will have to pay their own shipping, which Kara can calculate specifically for you. Shipping for US customers is included in the price of the commission.

I will be working these when I can while working on my regular books, so they will have to be done completely at my convenience, with no specific guaranteed date, though i assure you i will do my best to turn them around as quickly as possible.

For the time being, i will only be taking on 5 pieces, though if i am able to complete the list quickly and easily, i will likely take on another small list in the near future. Also, these are not for commercial use. So please, in the spirit of fairness, no cover requests, etc, with intent to be printed. I am, however, more than happy to honor all requests to draw any character you wish, even if it is your own creation. I just would prefer to not undercut my own business on cover rates, which I hope you all can understand.

if you're interested, email Kara at




here are a few sketches from recently. the first two are from the signing at Elite last Wednesday, and the last couple are from the Heroes Con this past weekend. Thanks to Simon, Alex, Chris, and Corey for the scans!



Zombie Rick:

The Goon:

More coming soon, i hope! if you've gotten a sketch from me, i'd love to get a scan! And i've posted a bunch of the ones i have so far in a new gallery in my online Sketchbook gallery, so check 'em out if you get the itch! Larger views of the ones here are available in there, as well.



here are a few sketches from recently. the first two are from the signing at Elite last Wednesday, and the last couple are from the Heroes Con this past weekend. Thanks to Simon, Alex, Chris, and Corey for the scans!



Zombie Rick:

The Goon:

More coming soon, i hope! if you've gotten a sketch from me, i'd love to get a scan! And i've posted a bunch of the ones i have so far in a new gallery in my online Sketchbook gallery, so check 'em out if you get the itch! Larger views of the ones here are available in there, as well.



here are a few sketches from recently. the first two are from the signing at Elite last Wednesday, and the last couple are from the Heroes Con this past weekend. Thanks to Simon, Alex, Chris, and Corey for the scans!



Zombie Rick:

The Goon:

More coming soon, i hope! if you've gotten a sketch from me, i'd love to get a scan! And i've posted a bunch of the ones i have so far in a new gallery in my online Sketchbook gallery, so check 'em out if you get the itch! Larger views of the ones here are available in there, as well.

HEROES CON in Charlotte, NC this weekend!


Are you ready to ROCK?
not like this, you ain't!

this weekend, in Charlotte, NC, i'll be at Heroes Con, in Indie Island, alongside ton of great names like Rick Remender, Eric Powell, Jeremy Haun, Chris Samnee, and Matt Fraction.

if you wanna enjoy a huge convention guest list without the stress and hassle of a huge con, I highly recommend checking this show out. It's quickly become one of my favorite shows out there.

we'll have all new buttons as well as art prints, shirts, patches, and original art, and even a limited number of The Walking Dead issue #1 first printings. And as always i'll be taking on commissions, 10 a day, so make sure to get in early and get on the list!

learn more about Heroes Con here!