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Sketch of the Day! SKELETOR


This sketch was intended to be the Sketch of the Day for Friday last week, but i just wasn't able to get it wrapped up and posted before i had to hit the weekend's chores.

This one features one of the best villains ever, SKELETOR. Many of you may not know this, but my very first paid comics gig was drawing the Beast Man origin story for Masters of the Universe, which featured the first comics appearance of Keldor, the pre-skull-faced Skeletor. As a kid, He-Man was my absolute jam, so MOTU still holds a very special place in my heart for a lot of reasons.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks and Copic markers on chipboard.
As always, the original art for this one is over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! ROBIN HOOD


Last night, my daughter had me read her a short Robin Hood story at bedtime. After i tucked her in, i was thinking about the Disney movie, and an image flashed into my mind, so i broke out my Raphael 8404 brush, settled in, and made this.

Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day!

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks and Copic markers on chipboard.
You can find the original over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! ATTACK ON TITAN


After nearly a month on the road, I'm back with a new Sketch of the Day!

Today's sketch is based on the manga/anime mega-hit ATTACK ON TITAN. Been itching to get back to the sketches, and far be it from me to not want to draw a skinless giant.

This piece is 6.25" x 10.25", inks and Copic marker on chipboard.
The original art for this piece is up over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! CAPTAIN AMERICA


Lots of folks come down on Cap for being a boy scout, but he's got a lot of great nuance once you dig into him.

This week, i'm trying to loosen up and reacquaint myself with markmaking and my trusty RAPHAEL 8404 Kolinsky Sable brush. Once you get the hang of it, it's like a magic wand for inking. I simply cannot recommend it highly enough. It is the finest brush i have ever used, and indeed the only brand of brush i intend to use until the day I die.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks & Copic marker on chipboard. The original is over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! THOR


Happy Thor's Day!
Hemsworth is okay, but my favorite Thor will always be Eric Allan Kramer from The Incredible Hulk Returns, walking around in a towel, drinkin' beer from the blender.

This week, i'm trying to loosen up and reacquaint myself with markmaking and my trusty RAPHAEL 8404 Kolinsky Sable brush. It is the finest brush i have ever used, and indeed the only brand of brush i intend to use until the day I die.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks & Copic marker on chipboard. The original is over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! HULK


Hulk is a great character, whom i love to draw, but who still kind of eludes me. Sometimes i feel like i get him down pretty good, but i still struggle solidifying my take on him.

This week, i'm trying to loosen up and reacquaint myself with markmaking and my trusty RAPHAEL 8404 Kolinsky Sable brush. It is the finest brush i have ever used, and indeed the only brand of brush i intend to use until the day I die.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks & Copic marker on chipboard. The original is over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! CABLE


Cable's a pretty neat character, and i do love drawing old dudes and scars. Also, i unironically love drawing belts with a lot of pouches.

This week, i'm trying to loosen up and reacquaint myself with markmaking and my trusty RAPHAEL 8404 Kolinsky Sable brush. It is the finest brush i have ever used, and indeed the only brand of brush i intend to use until the day I die.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks & Copic marker on chipboard. The original is over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! HARRY POTTER, HERMIONE, & RON


Today's Sketch of the Day finally gets around to HARRY POTTER himself, as well as his cohorts, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley... and just in time for my Instagram Takeover at @HogwartsTattoo!

8.5" x 9", inks & Copic markers on chipboard.
As always, the original art for this sketch can be found over in my STORE

Sketch of the Day! THE GOON


Long ago, my dear pal and fellow hillbilly, Eric Powell, created one of the finest characters in comics. Fiercely independent, and beholden to no genre, THE GOON is one of my favorites. Plus, he's got a busted-up face, which is exactly what i love to draw.

8.5" x 9", inks & Copic markers on chipboard.
This piece is available over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! LEPRECHAUN


Here it is, March 17th. We all knew there was only one way this was going to go down.

Parenting Protip: CAUTION! If your daughter sneezes three times without someone saying "bless you," she must marry an irishman.

This piece is 8.5" x 9", inks & Copic marker on chipboard.
You can add this original art to your treasures by visiting the STORE!

Sketch of the Day! SPIDER-GWEN


My dear pals Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez recently created this dynamite spider-powered Gwen Stacy storyline for Marvel, which features one of the best costume designs in recent memory. I didn't show off much of it here, but it's killer. I did have a lot of fun drawing this web-slinging lass, though.

8.5" x 9", inks & Copic markers on chipboard.
If you'd like the original for this hanging around your house, check out the STORE!

Sketch of the Day! JASON X


Here it is, Friday the 13th... again! We all knew there was only one way this was going to go down. This time, i drew Uber-Jason from JASON X. If you are one of the people who found this movie's changes upsetting, you take things far too seriously. Also, you may possibly be an idiot.

Thanks for all your suggestions this week, and i hope you all had fun. I know i did!

Our boy here is 8.5" x 9", Copic markers on chipboard.
As per usual, the original art fo this piece can be found over in the STORE.

Sketch of the Day! THE EXORCIST


Sweet sufferin' Pazuzu!
I've wanted to draw Regan from THE EXORCIST for a long time, and since i was getting quite a few requests for her, the time felt right. I love this movie. Its one of those that I saw as a kid and was scarred for life by some of the disturbing shit in it, and it still holds up, no matter how many times i watch it.

My theme for last week was letting my daughter pick my subject matter. This week, however, i am letting YOU pick what i draw! Just log onto Facebook or Instagram, and leave your ideas in the comments of the sketch for each day! I'll choose one from each day to do for the next. If i don't pick yours one day, feel free to tell me the next day! i make no guarantees as to what i'll pick, but i do love to let my hair down with these, so feel free to think off the beaten path!

this piece is 8.5" x 9", ink & Copic marker on chipboard.
As always, the original art for this piece is available over in the STORE.