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Sketch of the Day! COYOTE SKULLS


This one's a little different, but i felt like brushing up on a little life drawing, so i broke out a couple coyote skulls and doodled 'em up while Kara and i were watching Lord of the Rings for the millionth time. I'm looking forward to doing more of this kind of stuff.

9" x 7.75", marker on chipboard. The original art can be found over in my STORE.

Sketch of the Day! HAPPY NEW YEAR


Here's my last Sketch of the Day for 2014/ first sketch of 2015. Out with the old, in with the new!

This one's 8.5x18", markers on chipboard. As always, the original art is available over at my STORE.

i want to thank you all for coming along for the ride in 2014, and i'm excited to explore new artistic territory in the coming years with you all. i hope the holidays find you all safe and well.

Sketch of the Day! THE GRINCH


i had a lot of fun with my Christmas edition of Sketch of the Day, featuring a triple-decker toadstool and sauerkraut sandwich, with arsenic saaaaauce! This will be my last Sketch until a couple days after Christmas, then I'll resume business as usual, every weekday at noon, except on major holidays.

this one's 7.5" x 8.5", markers on chipboard. The original's in the STORE!